Gratis in a sentence as an adjective

They got in early, they deserve gratis access for that.

There will probably be a gratis version, even for commercial use.

I've been the assistant role a couple of times early in my career -- 2/3 times I was given a "exhibitors hall" or "sponsored session pass" gratis.

Gratis in a sentence as an adverb

Oh, and if I mention a book or some other product, just assume I got a review copy of it gratis and that me getting it has completely biased everything I say. Because, books are like a drug to me, put one in my hand and you own my ***. Ethics be damned!

If this is true, it means that GitHub is intending to trick users into providing gratis labor for their product without retention of copyright for their contribution.

"Step 1: get a well-known consultant from VSR to reverse engineer your code gratis and publicly post that the allegations made about your software appear groundless".You probably don't even need a step 2.

Gratis definitions


costing nothing; "complimentary tickets"; "free admission"

See also: complimentary costless free gratuitous


without payment; "I'll give you this gratis"