Graphical in a sentence as an adjective

The concept was similar to what GMail has done lately, with text links replaced by only graphical icons.

"it is no longer possible to run the system without a graphical user interface"I'm just not sure what planet that's on.

>text links replaced by only graphical iconsThis is a terribly pernicious trend in all sorts of software, not just GMail.

Here is a company that tried to push and everyone resisted and said "you must adhere to standards defined by a 20 year old plus graphical server".

So, for instance, I'd like to have the standard ls output rather than something graphical, but I'd like the filenames in the ls output to act as links, so I can click to open or hover for a preview.

I like the more prosaic interpretation, which is that certain graphical idioms have become so commonplace that in order to stand out visually, you need to do something different.

So there needs to be a graphical interface that displays all keys found in your filesystem, accepts a passphrase, produces a signed transaction in a certain format, and feeds it back to the web page you're on.

If you're adding a graphical user interface, you might use object oriented approach to build the UI tree which is probably the world's most idiomatic, canonical use for OO anyway.

Ruby also makes it very easy to write great Domain-Specific Languages that can be used as elegant alternatives to graphical user interface or data modeling tools.

The only reason this isn't worth a freakout is that nobody running Linux in a graphical desktop configuration could ever have assumed that the machine was multiuser-safe to begin with.

Graphical definitions


relating to or presented by a graph; "a graphic presentation of the data"

See also: graphic


written or drawn or engraved; "graphic symbols"

See also: graphic