Godsend in a sentence as a noun

This device is a godsend, as far as I'm concerned.

When the back button works, it's a godsend, but when it doesn't it's really ******* confusing.

If you're actually driving places, google maps is an amazing godsend.

Gaussian units and Einstein notation are a godsend.

Safari seemed like a godsend foresight from Apple when they released the iPhone, but I can't help wonder if it was planned this way all along.

The first Kinect was a godsend for robotics - previously it cost thousands of dollars for similar types of sensors.

However, the overhead that Postgres has is due to a remarkably effective query planner, which can be a godsend if you have a complex multi-table join.

Godsend definitions


a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money); "the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line"

See also: boom bonanza gravy windfall bunce