Glittering in a sentence as an adjective

More glittering, glib generalities, by the way. You reach for FTL by the fourth sentence of your post; this is not a sign of strength, it's a sign of desparation.

But glittering prices and endless rate rises shatter the illusion of integrity."

The software maybe isn't a glittering example of perfection, but my E72 is the best phone hardware I've ever owned or seen.

The reality is that almost every start up today is on a chase to grab people's attention with the glittering lure of technology. Why?

Have you seen that MetroPCS commercial where the dumb kid takes the glittering gold phone only to to find himself swinging from a rope while the presenter admonishes 'Silly Billy! The contract is how the trap is sprung!'

For others nothing short of passing university with a first and jetting off to a glittering career is called success. For this reason I never judge anyone anymore.

It's his actions that matter, and his actions on these matters have been pretty much unremittingly in favor of government power, no matter what curtain of glittering words he tries to draw over it. If his "true self" doesn't match his actions...

No. Even if I leave my door wide open and piles of glittering jewels on the floor, that doesn't give you the right to walk in and help yourself. Likewise, if I walk down the street in a fancy suit, you don't have the right to mug me, and I don't have the obligation to arm myself against your attacks.

I often think that a great deal of what people don't like about capitalism is precisely that it is generally being honest and not telling you glittering, appealing lies.

But lumping these high-performing individuals together with the single glittering generality "genius" leaves us less enlightened for the trouble. I think that was precisely the author's point: viz.

It's not your company, it's their depressed mood coupled with feelings of inferiority constantly triggered by the immense glittering wealth that surrounds them, always just out of their grasp.

Stories would stress the size of diamonds that celebrities presented to their loved ones, and photographs would conspicuously show the glittering stone on the hand of a well-known woman. Fashion designers would talk on radio programs about the "trend towards diamonds" that Ayer planned to start.

If they do, the diamond invention will disintegrate and be remembered only as a historical curiosity, as brilliant in its way as the glittering little stones it once made so valuable." As the diamond market hasn't collapsed 30 years on, De Beers must still be doing something right.

So instead of paying a decent wage to the people who actually comprise the "college experience" for their students, they pay outsized amounts to further improve their already glittering campus so that it looks better on the 15 minute admissions tour that prospective students take. Somewhere the priorities are out of whack.

A golden age lies ahead, of glittering marvels to make all that has come so far pale to insignificance. But unless we step up to the plate and master biotechnology a lot faster and better than is presently managed, all of us reading this now will miss both that future and lives of health and transcendence lasting centuries in which to enjoy it.

But lumping these high-performing individuals together with the single glittering generality "genius" leaves us less enlightened for the trouble. Edison and Einstein, for example, were worlds apart and while we can find commonalities between them, we can find commonalities between any two people.

But at least consider that I was actively seeking information when I clicked on the link and was disappointed to find instead a glittering call to action based on interpretations I don't share, punching at emotional triggers that I don't have.

Glittering definitions


having brief brilliant points or flashes of light; "bugle beads all aglitter"; "glinting eyes"; "glinting water"; "his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent"; "shop window full of glittering Christmas trees"; "glittery costume jewelry"; "scintillant mica"; "the scintillating stars"; "a dress with sparkly sequins"; "`glistering' is an archaic term"