Glibness in a sentence as a noun

" Pretty sure their glibness is just poking fun at that.

Because it's good?There is no glibness here, just innocence.

Oddly, I feel compelled to defend that bit of glibness.

While I can't disagree with much of this, you need to check your glibness at the door.

Calling it a charity seems like naivete or glibness on your part.

Although the glibness of this piece is annoying, I think his core message is on the mark.

Apologies in advance for glibness, but, who cares?

I didn't mean for the glibness of my reply to imply that it would be easy - it's very hard!

Sorry for the glibness I am just really bored with these complaints, it really feels like the same old bikeshedding.

The glibness of your response is entirely unwarranted.

I don't have much of a preconception here, I've found him interesting/fun at times and been put off by his glibness at other times.

This casts a different light on the Dash memo's serve-two-masters glibness, and on Alex Russell's recent blog post.

He projects a salesman's confidence and glibness, so my knee-jerk reaction is to roll my eyes and wonder what the **** he's selling.

I apologize for letting my glibness overwhelm my ability to write clearly.

I think a very important point is in danger of being buried in glibness here:> Highschool is a mechanism to socialize you and a filter for colleges.

Glibness definitions


a kind of fluent easy superficiality; "the glibness of a high-pressure salesman"

See also: slickness