Generalise in a sentence as a verb

What happened with your sister is certainly horrible, but you can't generalise from that to every case.

Except that would still only be the effects of peas on my body, and may not generalise to other humans anyway.

Which is all fine, but it doesn't generalise well to newer companies who don't have a long-established fanbase already.

If you generalise the whole world of ideas and problem solving to the word "creativity" then I have no idea what conclusions you can make.

" "You shouldn't generalise," said the painter, dissatisfied, "I've only been talking about my own experience.

In a rant essentially about people generalizing and forcing their own world views onto others' words, the man sure likes to generalise and force his own world views onto others' words.

That stuff does take effort and time, particularly if you aren't intimately familiar with the other party and have to generalise it to the generic person.

Personally I think that it's not a "free tool" if you charge for it, even at 50 or 500 emails a month, to me it's a paid service with a "free tier".For example I would never generalise Amazon AWS as "free hosting".

Generalise definitions


speak or write in generalities

See also: generalize


draw from specific cases for more general cases

See also: generalize extrapolate infer


cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public; bring into general or common use; "They popularized coffee in Washington State"; "Relativity Theory was vulgarized by these authors"

See also: popularize popularise vulgarize vulgarise generalize


become systemic and spread throughout the body; "this kind of infection generalizes throughout the immune system"

See also: generalize