Generalisation in a sentence as a noun

How stupid it is to say "what men want", to lump half the race into one generalisation.

Her post exists to state that "the whole [.net] article is hyperbolic generalisation.

I'm sure this is too much of a generalisation but Anericans don't like to know of the atrocities done in their name as long as their "catching the bad guys".

If you're a man, you should feel viscerally just how bad this kind of generalisation is; why should women feel any different when the same is applied to them?

> I'm sure this is too much of a generalisation but Anericans don't like to know of the atrocities done in their name as long as their "catching the bad guys"I think it is worse than that.

This whole article is full of prejudice, narrow-mindedness, and over-generalisation.

One of those mistakes is known as over-generalisation and cognitive therapists help clients by teaching them to recognise when they're over-generalising and to replace those thoughts with more accurate, less distressing ones.

Generalisation definitions


an idea or conclusion having general application; "he spoke in broad generalities"

See also: generalization generality


the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances

See also: abstraction generalization


reasoning from detailed facts to general principles

See also: generalization induction


(psychology) transfer of a response learned to one stimulus to a similar stimulus

See also: generalization