Abstraction in a sentence as a noun

A business is an abstraction that can -- and should -- be engineered.

"Memory images," as a completely separate matter, are an abstraction that saves you some of the work of making a DB.

Instead of implementing a new feature, consider how you can > create a common abstraction between the new and old ones and share > 80% of the code.

This is clever, because the file system has some of the features of a database system, and files and S-expressions are abstractions that already exist.

Users would have also needed 1 more layer of organizational abstraction, a "Wave container" to carve out different groups of Waves.

You simply can not help but create an abstraction that not only leaks like a sieve, but is actually multiple leaky sieves layered on top of each other in opaque ways.

Usually the abstraction language is opaque to newcomers, and frustratingly so.

The size and complexity of that tech stack is humongous, to the extent that a large proportion of those who use it don't understand it more than two layers of abstraction down.

It's just more and more layers of abstraction and you start to see the nth demo of WebGL maxing out a 4 core modern GPU system doing exactly what you did 20 years ago with a single 32-bit core, 1/5th the transistor count and all in software.

If an architect is well-integrated with the team, and can work with them to actually develop what he's working on in tandem with reality and determine the right levels of abstraction, then they can be a great resource for a software team.

Just like how people who aren't artists, if asked to draw someone's face, will end up drawing the abstraction of a face; people who aren't Engineers, if asked to formalize a system, will end up describing the vague, hard-AI-complete, "and then it just does what you'd expect okay!?

Abstraction definitions


a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance; "he loved her only in the abstract--not in person"

See also: abstract


the act of withdrawing or removing something


the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances

See also: generalization generalisation


an abstract painting


preoccupation with something to the exclusion of all else

See also: abstractedness


a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples