Gemstone in a sentence as a noun

Hire a few qualified gemstone appraisers, set up an auction site and take a small rake off the top.

There have been several companies who did CVD diamonds at gemstone quality.

Never liked the look of diamonds, myself, so I always figured if I got engaged Id just look for the gemstone thats right for my partnertheir look, their personality.

I'm familiar with different crystal structure or impurities that can make some diamonds 10 - 25% harder than gemstone class diamonds but 100% harder?

It seems like the best choice to me - it has the "wolfram" association, as well as fitting in with the general mineral theme while differentiating itself from the gemstone cluster.

Although contra to the GP's point, industrial diamonds are in a completely separate market from gemstone diamonds and de beers' monopoly doesn't have much effect on that.

I'm not defending the name choice; but to be fair, nearly all of the major languages have put zero consideration into their name SEO: Java competes with coffee, Ruby with the gemstone, Python with the snake, C# with the musical note, and C ... C is just a damned letter :P

Gemstone definitions


a crystalline rock that can be cut and polished for jewelry; "he had the gem set in a ring for his wife"; "she had jewels made of all the rarest stones"

See also: stone