Gatekeeper in a sentence as a noun

How many of us had to bluff our way through the first gatekeeper on tech support like this?

Part of what has put Google in their position as the gatekeeper is that the perception of being balanced and neutral.

The danger of a gatekeeper like Apple on the iPhone is that innovation is stifled, Lilly argued.

This effectively makes the sender the gatekeeper for deciding what's important.

Talked about family drama [they love that ****].I told her about my last meeting with a key gatekeeper for our tech start-up [CTO in one of the top 200 companies in Australia].

> A truly open facet of Android the open-source codebase, minus Googles apps has enabled one company with a strong market position to step in, effectively close it, and make themselves the gatekeeper.

This article's evidence isn't as significant as other established facts like Zuckerberg's invasion of other people's email accounts, but it is consistent with everything else we know: in one of the modern world's great ironies, a person with no respect for his fellow human beings is the de facto gatekeeper of "friendship" on the net.

Gatekeeper definitions


someone who controls access to something; "there are too many gatekeepers between the field officers and the chief"


someone who guards an entrance

See also: doorkeeper doorman porter ostiary