Gasket in a sentence as a noun

First, a decent shop would replace the head gasket if they screwed up.

Blow a head gasket, and there could be a long list of repairs besides a new gasket.

**** cleaners are not nurses, they are people who also make less than gasket inspectors.

My previous sentence, for example, would cause most NLP software to blow a gasket.

"Missiles seem slightly too easy to avoid - making them 3% faster" doesn't make anyone blow a gasket.

XOR is addition mod 2, which is the same reason you get Pascal's triangle mod 2 is sierpinski gasket.

Another cool thing about the Sierpinski gasket is that it's possible to more or less do calculus on it.

Even then, you'll see programmed machines do tasks like dispense adhesives or gasket material.

The next time somebody on this site says 'x is true because everybody I know is/uses/does y', I'm going to blow a gasket.

Depending on the construction, you could replace the rubber gasket witha rubber core metal mesh gasket.

The hand-written inscription provided a helpful arrow with the legend "*** gasket.

I don't know the details of your situation, so forgive me for assumptions, but head gaskets don't just blow the instant the overheat light comes on.

An engine with no leaks is best, but a leaky engine isn't always bad; leaks coming from the top of the engine/where the headers are are bad, might be a head gasket blown.

If I download instructions to hotrod my lawnmower, and then engine block cracks when the head gasket blows out, should I blame Toro for not locking down my lawnmower?

All the jobs you mention make substantially more money and I can assure you have better work conditions than a gasket manufacturing plant located in Japan's manufacturing hub.

Gasket definitions


seal consisting of a ring for packing pistons or sealing a pipe joint