Dispense in a sentence as a verb

Actually, Tesla is not the first auto company that is attempting to dispense of dealers.

Just turn the Nespresso machine on, pop in the capsule, place your coffee mug at the dispenser, press the dispense button and walk away.

Eliminate the bean compartment and dispense the beans from a centralized location just like the water.

You can dispense with linear algebra, not to mention complex arithmetic, groups, or measure theory.

To dispense with all of that and say that free software is the only way is an incredibly myopic view that focuses only upon the personal computer.

The MTA machines only dispense change in coins, and because people are unlikely to pay with coins or small denomination bills like ones, a different default would mean more frequent refilling of the change reserves.

It's like an MD selling power bracelets - not illegal, not directly harmful but you know that if they keep this up and make a lot more money this way, they have less incentive to dispense regular medical advice which is harmful.

In such cases, with institutional investors, you may still find yourself arguing about valuation in negotiating caps but the process is nowhere near as involved as it is with a typical equity round and founders with leverage can usually dispense with caps as well.

" And it answers that question by saying, in effect, let's have experienced practitioners teach students in lieu of those who have been professors all their careers and who emphasize abstract academic writing as a primary means to career development, let's dispense with the classic core curriculum that teaches old cases like Hadley v. Baxendale as part of a student's foundational training and put in its place a lot of clinics where someone can guide students in how to negotiate, document, and close deals and in how to try cases, etc., and let's generally adopt an approach to legal education that allows students to be "client ready" by the time they first set foot in a law office on graduation.

In effect, it says, "wouldn't it be so much better if we could just dispense with all that abstract case-law analysis and get on with teaching prospective lawyers how to draft contracts, how to try cases, how to handle client interviews, how to give strategic advice for doing acquisitions, how to negotiate personal injury settlements or divorce arrangements, how to represent clients before federal regulatory agencies, how to handle equity and debt funding for business ventures, and all the other things lawyers do.

Dispense definitions


administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks"


grant a dispensation; grant an exemption; "I was dispensed from this terrible task"


give or apply (medications)

See also: administer