Gasify in a sentence as a verb

If you could get the grill to heat over 700°C, organic gunk would gasify.

But at $100 a barrel you can gasify coal and make clean gas power plants cost effectively, but what is the $100 really mean?

Some even use plasma torches to gasify the fuel without "burning" it, then use the gas to run generators.

I've never understood why we don't gasify our waste plastic and woody material and use it as a fuel source.

There is equipment that will take dead standing wood and gasify it into biochar which is stable in the soil for theoretically 10k years.

Liquid oxygen storage is not something that one would do in most facilities while almost anyone could split water and utilize the oxygen to gasify their waste streams to produce syngas for heat and electricity production.

This is where I think Stirling engines can gasify all of your waste organic matter into dirty gas that wouldn't normally be fit for an internal combustion engine, but work fine for a swirl burner which can be used on an external combustion engine such as steam or stirling.

Uh, if you actually read the links you posted...from the second article one of the people visited by law enforcement said "In my opinion, gasify everyone" [google translate I must admit, but there were plenty of quotes like this that I think its safe to say this is the intended tone]I don't see how there is any justifiable grounds to talk about killing people with gas in any context, particularly not in this context.

Gasify definitions


turn into gas; "The substance gasified"

See also: vaporize vaporise aerify