Garrote in a sentence as a noun

Why not just use a simple garrote with a thin wire?

And sometimes you need to use your necklace to strangle someone because the security people took away your garrote.

Garrote in a sentence as a verb

I also left that shop pretty quickly, because I don't think options keep vesting if I garrote somebody with a network cable.

The scene where he garrotes Winnie the Pooh in this episode, to me, is an extension of this same theme- the sellout of what we've taken as sacred, except now, it's to China's CCP. Contrast that to the name of Randy's farm, which is a bastardization of the word `integrity`.The entire segment about the band biopic in this episode is basically saying the same thing but far more overtly.

Garrote definitions


an instrument of execution for execution by strangulation

See also: garotte garrotte


strangle with an iron collar; "people were garrotted during the Inquisition in Spain"

See also: garrotte garotte scrag