Garnish in a sentence as a noun

Yes, this is interesting, and I'm sure it will garnish a nice user base.

Sheriffs standing in the lobby to garnish income.

For instance, they could garnish the photo with a basket of fresh tomatoes, a head of lettuce, a friendly cow, etc.

No pension, immediate dismissal, and garnishment of wages is the least that they deserve!

If these features are offensive enough to outright ban and garnish earnings from, why aren't they, at all, a part of the buying process?

I can't really think of an easy way to resolve this because it's impossible to garnish income from another country.

I also think it's reasonable for society to garnish a chunk of the profit from their work to offset the cost of crime and punishment.

Garnish in a sentence as a verb

Sure, we've got full suspension and electronic shifting and remote lockouts and carbon fibre and all kinds of other fun stuff now, but it's all really just garnish.

The machines selects one of 4 glasses that was already clean, could precisely measure/mix/shake the drink leaving the bartender to garnish, present, squeeze fresh lemons into a container.

You can just put a lien on it, which is a recorded document that you are legally entitled to be paid first if the person sells their house property, or you can garnish the person's wages or bank account.

Officials in several states said that if workers dont voluntarily repay, the state would garnish wages, tax refunds and deny future unemployment benefits to recoup the money.

I ended up filing bankruptcy not long after due to the garnishment and other factors causing me to risk losing my house, and by some miracle the federal government allowed the judgement to be attached to the bankruptcy case.

Near perfect HN fodder - intellectual curiosity satisfied, just enough food-tech for a perfect top comment and a little bit of politics to garnishMy hat is tipped to annapowellsmith and of course all Wikipedians.

Garnish definitions


something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or decoration


any decoration added as a trimming or adornment


take a debtor's wages on legal orders, such as for child support; "His employer garnished his wages in order to pay his debt"

See also: garnishee


decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods

See also: trim dress