Garb in a sentence as a noun

People come up with these ideas, then start wrapping them in the conspiracy theory of the month garb.

But out here in the Southwest, we don't dress like Saudis even though their garb is better suited to the climate.

People wearing certain types of garb send out signals intended to portray specific meaning.

In my experience, we Canadians fly our national flag and wear flag-themed garb much, much more than Americans.

I tried adopting local garb, covering, being a shadow basically.

Letting the KKK run around in their garb troweling their bigotry by the metric ton has generally not been a 'win' for me either.

> You can imagine what was going through their minds as they saw themselves in their ridiculous garb and dehumanized condition.

Garb in a sentence as a verb

The moderate, correct stance is to make sure that women who choose to opt out of traditional garb have the full protection of the law. With this foundation in place culture will evolve as it will - and maybe everyone will keep wearing the hijab, who knows.

What if a similar event had happened at a gay club, with the photo shot with two beautiful young men in the same garb and with the same poses and facial expressions?

And yet, reddit, in a move of complete non-alienation, decks Snoo out in pro-gay garb when major political decisions are made in favor of reddit's preferred position.

And one day, while I was waiting, a refurbished Pennsylvania Railroad train rolled through with its beautiful shiny brown paintjob, elegant railcars, and even people in period garb.

Totally agree!But this kind of snake oil is being sold all over the internet and I haven't seen this level of critical analysis applied to others doing something similar, but under a slightly respectable garb.

With language as general as that, you could outlaw a glance paired with a half-smile given by someone in Victorian garb completely covered from the neck down and wrists up. I've said it before: Maybe a Victorian level of carefully maintained polite deniability could facilitate greater consensuality, so long as it's absent the Victorian level sexual inequality and doublethink.

Garb definitions


clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion; "formal attire"; "battle dress"

See also: attire dress


provide with clothes or put clothes on; "Parents must feed and dress their child"