Convolute in a sentence as a verb

I get what you are saying, but why convolute C++ and Scala?

Bike chain teeth do not have straight sides or a convolute profile.

PsyStar was trying to confuse this with a host of other items to try to convolute the issue.

Such charting libraries require that you convolute your data until it fits its own assumptions.

Sure, you could convolute your code to make the Angular more performant, but at the cost of clear and maintainable markup.

For the bonus, paredit-convolute-sexp is useful exactly for the case they show, moving a binding/wrapping form some levels up. It saves a lot of keystrokes when you're in that situation.

> Every time you use CSS, you’re doing Aspect-Oriented I don't really get how someone could convolute declarative rule-based programming with AOP.

Convolute in a sentence as an adjective

They're the guys who go off and make algorithms they think are blazing fast, and sure for one tiny little use maybe, but then when you actually see the code it's a huge convolute mess for nothing.

I was going to write that I thought it was silly to convolute software licensing with data licensing, but I can't really find any fundamental difference between them.

Though he criticized Socrates exploitation of tragedy to convolute philosophy over the years, he seemed to see in his own self as some sort of tragic figure with people using morality as a way to shortcut.

The danger of talking to potential customers when designing a piece of software lies in the problem that you're going to get a long list of convolute feature requests that, if implemented, doesn't result in anything usable.

" Messages is supposed to be about communicating via short, concise text-style messages — adding additional features on top of that will eventually convolute and weigh down the original intent.

Her business process should not require a web developer and I hope that Apple does not operate on a basis that people have pocket web devs, just in case they convolute the process whereby you need native expertise to unravel.

Convolute definitions


curl, wind, or twist together

See also: convolve


practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive; "Don't twist my words"

See also: twist pervert sophisticate


rolled longitudinally upon itself; "a convolute petal"

See also: convoluted