Gangrenous in a sentence as an adjective

VBA makes by fingers and eyes ooze gangrenous pus.

It's the immune system that needs to improve, not the logic on these gangrenous threads.

" There is no word-mincing going on when someone calls whole departments gangrenous feet.

He died 14 days later after being beaten by the guards, from a gangrenous wound on his right hand which might have been caused by the beating.

The whole field is a gangrenous foot that will **** academia if something is not done about it.

Turning 1,500 lots of urban decay in Detroit into forest is more like putting a band-aid on a gangrenous limb.

The quarantine system was also introduced to isolate TD from the rest of the site, like a gangrenous limb.

A permanently scarred animal survives much longer than a gangrenous one.

Which is what they did with the Win8 internal design, where Win32 is relegated to a gangrenous limb awaiting to be severed.

Yeah, I'm not, but I don't think I'm the one with a morality problem when I suggest the gangrenous limb should be addressed sooner rather than later.

We've got a gangrenous limb and you're upset because I'm not willing to go along with the "keep pumping more anesthetic in and it's all fine because there's no pain" plan.

From *** to vasoconstrictor or even gangrenous substances.

In addition to the bleed out risk preantibiotics it would become gangrenous and **** the patient even if done in a clean room by time travelers who lacked antibiotics.

The code embedded in Parted by which it knew about those file systems was so old, unmaintainable and buggy that while seemingly drastic, this change is like removing a gangrenous toe.

Especially in these times anybody who indicates a decline in performance might be having serious personal issues that you might want to approach with empathy rather than cutting them off like a gangrenous limb.

Gangrenous definitions


suffering from tissue death

See also: mortified