Ganglion in a sentence as a noun

In order for a signal to reach the optic nerve, a retinal ganglion cell needs to activate.

They don't have lungs, they don't have a brain, but a cerebral ganglion, they don't have a full stomach, but a stomodaeum, etc.

In most parts of the retina the ratio is closer to 1 ganglion cell per 100 photoreceptors.

Adult tunicates have a hollow cerebral ganglion, equivalent to a brain, and a hollow structure known as a neural gland.

Furthermore, even if a ganglion cell activates and a signal reaches the optic nerve, that still doesn't mean that the organism will perceive light.

It‘s a potent stimulator of the brain’s retinal ganglion cells, relaying visual information to the brain, which is like queuing up mountains of data for the GPU.

They travel down the spinal cord, exit at the base of the neck into a ganglion, travel back up along the carotid artery into the brain, and finally connect to the eye.

The reason why it may be useful to avoid blue light at night is that circadian rhythms and melatonin production can be disrupted due to ganglion cell stimulation.

Somewhere in the multiverse, a scientifically curious Heptapod takes a fresh and lively humanoid from its terrarium and immobilizes it by cutting the nerves connecting the stellate ganglion...

Yes but keep in mind that this data is immediately and heavily compressed and encoded - the data sent into the brain from the retinal ganglion cells has been estimated to be on the order of 10s Mbit/sec from careful studies on rodent RGN statistics.

Ganglion definitions


an encapsulated neural structure consisting of a collection of cell bodies or neurons