Gamely in a sentence as an adverb

But not Clang, which gamely tries to vectorize.

You could raise a Series A tomorrow and bump his salary back up to 100K, you could struggle to raise for a year while he gamely hangs on.

DDG gamely provided the "cast syndrome" results after correcting the query.

It's mentioned, just not in the context of early photography: When a camera is produced and we are asked to smile, we perform gamely.

I've never done OS programming, but something about this just tickles me. I think it's the way she cheerfully acknowledges screwing up constantly but still gamely keeps tackling the problem.

Then the system tries to gamely proceed by suggesting "Those who watched Godfather AND Pretty Woman are more likely to watch - So I married an Axe murderer.

Stimulating you to participate gamely in the destruction of the planet through mindless consumption?

The SEC is gamely trying to pin some security fraud charges on them, because that's what the SEC does, but the plain text of the underlying law is against them, and that theory has yet to prevail in court.

“This evidence suggests that landlords actively try to remove their tenants in those areas where the reward for resetting to market rents is greatest,” either by gamely buying out long term tenants or just evicting them.

The last thing I want at those times is to have to depend upon some mommie's special little snowflake who was too self-important to gamely work through some puzzle exercises during an interview for a job he claimed he wanted.

Gamely definitions


in a plucky manner; "he was seen by a shepherd, gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso"