Future in a sentence as a noun

To install these apps, visit the Chrome Web Storeand look out for even more useful apps in the future.

It's easy to train kids to learn some task for some as-at-yet determined future purpose.

You don't know me, my life, my past, my future, my dreams, my fears, my hopes, my goals or a goddamned other thing about me.

It would be nice to be able to use them in the future with some continued reliability.

I read a lot of great comments there about how we're losing our freedoms incrementally and how this will shape the future.

This, of course, is what APIs do and this means that his conclusion can be used as a powerful guide in all future API copyright cases.

And life is a series of tradeoffs and a constant balancing act between doing what is best for us right now versus what is best for the future.

The faster you get things done, and the more thorough and error-free they are, the more ideas you can execute on, which means you will learn faster in the future too. Over the long term, programming skill is like compound interest.

Future in a sentence as an adjective

If you burn yourself out hard, it will be difficult to be effective at any future job you go to, even if it is ostensibly a wonderful job.

Encrypted data must be stored for an unlimited time to facilitate possible decryption in the future.

Same for any other experiment you run in the future; unless it obviously and immediately fails, give it some simmer time.

People often ask the hypothetical of what sorts of behavior we consider normal today that people in the far future will regard as barbaric or bizarre.

I believe in Free Software so much that I will use nothing else, and publicly and harshly declare that anyone doing otherwise is a moron and a traitor to the future of humanity"?

It also implies a deviousness that will scare investors; if they're willing to screw a friend and risk such a serious dispute, then it's also possible that they'll wander into similar situations in the future.

Learn that lesson fast, or you'll be sorely disappointed in all your future projects, especially when you're just the guy-in-charge-of-negotiating-rates-for-business-cards...uh, I mean CEO.

Future definitions


the time yet to come

See also: hereafter futurity


a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the future


bulk commodities bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date


yet to be or coming; "some future historian will evaluate him"


effective in or looking toward the future; "he was preparing for future employment opportunities"


(of elected officers) elected but not yet serving; "our next president"

See also: next


a verb tense or other formation referring to events or states that have not yet happened; "future auxiliary"