Bootless in a sentence as an adjective

"It is a cruel jest to tell the bootless man to pull himself up by his bootstraps.

The robb'd that smiles steals something from the thief; He robs himself that spends a bootless grief

You're essentially telling bootless people to pull up their bootstraps by making friends with executives and managers.

KSplice bought by Oracle none of us gets to use re-bootless kernel patches with that technology since it has no development after it was bought 3 years ago.

* People then started to erect walls using ad hook materials like plants, empty soda bootless, spear desks and rack servers that had become redundant when stuff got moved to the cloud.

Including SSD in machines also means that, for now, fully enabling orthogonal persistence and all of the engineering entailed to create a truly bootless OS can be delayed.

"When in disgrace with fortune in men's eyes / I all alone beweep my outcast state / and trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries / and look upon myself and curse my fate / wishing me like to one more rich in hope / featured like him, like him with friends possessed / desiring this man's art and that man's scope / with what I most enjoy contented least.

Bootless definitions


unproductive of success; "a fruitless search"; "futile years after her artistic peak"; "a sleeveless errand"; "a vain attempt"

See also: fruitless futile sleeveless vain