Fuse in a sentence as a noun

Oh, and these fuses are special and cost $750,000.

" She about blew a fuse and started yelling "Why not, I told you to blah, blah>?

I say this because it appears that the fuse had been tampered with, and the same person filed a complaint against Volvo last year.

You know, the one that should be turned off physically in the CPU itself through a blow fuse on production processors.

Fuse in a sentence as a verb

> Ultimately, Tesla service applied non-tamper tape to the fuse switch.

Windows 8 is supposed to fuse desktop and mobile, but, that is a problem for Microsoft, not their customers, outside of Redmond nobody needs that

But while in the mother's womb, two fertilized eggs fuse, becoming one fetus that carries two distinct genetic codes -- two separate strands of DNA.

Oh, there is always a third option in science: "Oops, the box would have given us a definitive yes-or-no answer if only the fuse hadn't blown, and gosh darn it, the local stores have no fuses in stock.

Fuse definitions


an electrical device that can interrupt the flow of electrical current when it is overloaded


any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant

See also: fuze fusee fuzee primer priming


mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"


become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat; "The substances fused at a very high temperature"


equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse


make liquid or plastic by heating; "The storm fused the electric mains"