Furtherance in a sentence as a noun

But the crime that that overt act is supposedly in furtherance of is... conspiracy.

Leverage, applied correctly, is an excellent means for accelerating the furtherance of a goal.

It seems to me that there is a big difference between making a modest financial contribution to a bad cause, versus being a primary actor in furtherance of bad causes.

Yes, the downloading of the addresses itself was an overt act, but I see no overt act alleged that specifically reveals fraudulent intent or acts in furtherance of a plan to commit fraud.

The school is also trying to teach students a valuable civics lesson: your rights are minimal and the principle function of the state is the furtherance of the careers of the bureaucrats who compose the state.

From Plutarch's "Lucullus":"Lucullus now turned his attention to the cities in Asia, in order that, while he was at leisure from military enterprises, he might do something for the furtherance of justice and law. Through long lack of these, unspeakable and incredible misfortunes were rife in the province.

The local anarchists did not attack the police first, but they were perfectly happy to trash buildings from coffee shops to convenience stores in furtherance of their disbelief in the idea of private property.

'Central to Patrys argument is the structural role that 'moral panics' have played in this process, namely the furtherance of a public state of hysteria respecting illusory threats emanating from 'folk devils'.

It also leads to immediate suspicions of a slippery ***** - if the founders of this startup are willfully misrepresenting the core nature of their business in furtherance of their goals, what else about them is negotiable?

You wind up with those who have not innovated a day in their lives making debilitating demands on those engaged in brilliant innovation in furtherance of a cynical shake-down process that amounts to a toll on innovation with no offsetting benefits.

Since Conspiracy can be a charge unto itself compelling someone to testify about a co-conspirator would trigger the 5th, b/c that testimony could be incriminating as it would demonstrate how much someone knew about the conspiracy or what steps were taken in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Furtherance definitions


encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something

See also: promotion advancement


the advancement of some enterprise; "his experience in marketing resulted in the forwarding of his career"

See also: forwarding promotion