Functionary in a sentence as a noun

It’s simple: He was a low level functionary back then.

In the US, this kind of interference would pose a great deal of trouble for the ambitious functionary.

Another possibility is that Chambliss is either lying, or acting as a PR functionary for the NSA.

It's like being an accountant - you have to be smart and on your game, but ultimately you're a functionary rather than a decision maker in many programming jobs.

I cannot confirm or deny the existence or non-existence of a sense of humour, irony or shame on the part of the poor functionary who had to send out that response.

This is one of the think that makes my blood boil, when I imagine taxpayer-paid functionary whose whole job is to look for citizens that can be legally robbed by the government.

Can they not put him in a helicopter with a diplomatic courier or minor embassy functionary and fly him out to a boat in international waters?

Unless I was an employment lawyer, a judge, or a TWC functionary, I wouldn't confidently pronounce someone else's self-reported status as "illegal".

" As I approached the queue, a functionary suddenly changed the demarcation belt between myself and the queue, causing me to have to walk for miles in one direction then double-back.

As an official government functionary of a country with which Congress had declared war, I imagine there would be scant legal difficulty in finding him guilty of treason in absentia.

That perhaps in his service as a low level functionary of the army intelligence service he became conscious of how he was acting as part of the machinery of oppression that held him down as well?

Imagine not a figurehead, or an evil president, imagine merely an ambitious civil functionary who abuses and misuses his secret powers outside of any oversight.

What actually happened is a non-qualified functionary made a potentially life-threatening decision.

Behind every wacko hellbent on ruining their prey is a scheming business manager protecting their business interests at all costs, or a listening functionary doing what it takes to get their kids an education in a Western country.

Much of the time sales' over-promising comes as a result of some management or client services functionary that's not a technical product manager but thinks they are insisting that $requirement definitely will be possible once $feature is in place, which definitely will be on time, so no need to communicate with the dev team at all on that.

Functionary definitions


a worker who holds or is invested with an office

See also: official