Fulminate in a sentence as a noun

This comment breaks the site guidelines, which include: Please don't fulminate.

In particular, please edit flamebait out of your posts, don't fulminate, and don't go on about downvotes.

It's not particularly meaningful or conducive to any kind of insight because once you make that jump, you just get to fulminate endlessly about principles and oppression.

Fulminate in a sentence as a verb

If there's some limit beyond which you might say, "Well, that's going a bit too far," and that caused someone else to fulminate over your backwardness, what would you say to them?Oh, well, gotta send this pigeon off and get back to my bunker before the drones catch me out in the open....

There are other places on the internet to fulminate against insert-opposite-position-about-religion-here.

Fulminate definitions


a salt or ester of fulminic acid


criticize severely; "He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare"; "She railed against the bad social policies"

See also: rail


come on suddenly and intensely; "the disease fulminated"


cause to explode violently and with loud noise