Frisking in a sentence as a noun

He shows the iPhone with the full NYT homepage and has the caption "Um, are you frisking kidding me?".

The frisking is a bit more hands on, but thats about it. They use a sniffing machine to see if there is bomb residue on my clothes.

They are stopping people, frisking them, and digitally taking their picture.

It is contradiction only if you assume that TSA frisking people on airports makes it more secure.

The people of NYC have decided that it's fair for non-white juveniles to be subject to stopping & frisking anytime, for no cause.

Well that's easy then -- enact weapon laws in US instead of frisking random people but only _if_ you think that it is what is making Tokyo safe.

Important to note that 100% of passengers surveyed preferred them to frisking, rather than being happy with them objectively.

I'm sure if the survey had asked passengers if they preferred frisking to a cavity search they would have found a lot of people being very ok with getting frisked.

Which, to me, is interpreting RAS as allowing for stopping and frisking an entire network of people to discover previously unknown operatives, based on suspicion of just one. If you try to imagine how that would look in real life, it's a bit scary.

Before 9/11 I walked through a metal detector, and occasionally got pulled aside for a frisking and a hand held metal detector waved over me... Today I bypass the full body scanner and get a frisking.

The anecdotes that are given in support of the "thesis" are seemingly randomly thrown in and range from long quotes about how one student had a bad advisor to some stuff on racial profiling and frisking on the streets.

Frisking definitions


the act of searching someone for concealed weapons or illegal drugs; "he gave the suspect a quick frisk"

See also: frisk