Friendless in a sentence as an adjective

Tons of people have no family left, and tons of people are friendless either by choice or not.

As mine was a new, friendless account my list was purely people with me in their phonebook.

They may feel isolated at first, alone, friendless.

Assholes cannot be 100% friendless, nor only friends with other assholes.

Bots and Amigos were targeted just as much, if not more, than the gays, the fat kids, the nerds, the friendless.

"Jobs would probably have died homeless and friendless if Apple never existed.

" Everyone makes mistakes, Honestly with that attitude your going to end up friendless and alone when you need people most.

If you're on the friendless and unpopular side, it's up to you to observe carefully and watch why some people are popular and some are unpopular.

This is such macho-induced cliche drivel that I feel like you're caricaturing one of these 'MBAs'.First you try to belittle geeks for having been friendless, then call them ignorant.

I assume that nobody is completely friendless or in complete isolation from their friends/family/colleagues because of their decision to not use Google Plus.

You think saying nerds were friendless, then spouting off meaningless one-liners about it is a way to entice people into moving beyond generalizations?

Add in the odd charity for the few friendless frozen and it is not hard to imagine any frozen person eventually being revived, technology permitting.

What's the point other than just playing with social structures for fun, or exercising some strange need to reach some kind of artificial equilibrium anywhere we see what we perceive as an imbalance?tl;dr there's not as many friendless geek women and who cares who's coding anyway

Instead, you can get hit in the back on the playground, on the way home find some tough, angry kids who don't like you, never get invited to parties, lose your homework and find it in the toilet, etc. Adults don't do such things, but the feelings can be the same and still you can be ostracized, rejected, hated, pushed out, scorned, avoided, friendless, etc.

Friendless definitions


excluded from a society

See also: outcast