Freshen in a sentence as a verb

Synaptic just needs a little freshen up that's all.

I've updated the Freebase DB, it'll take a bit to freshen the caches.

True, it was long and I had to invest some significant time to freshen up my algorithm skills.

They'll need to freshen it frequently, but renting access to the database is what I think the business model is in the long term.

I read the notes that I took during implementation to freshen my memory on the kinds of troubles that I encountered.

"tough decisions" is usually a codeword for layoffs so I guess this a 2000 word note prompting employees to freshen up their resumes?

Thanks for the correction -- while the link you posted isn't necessarily conclusive, it did spur me to freshen my data sets at the very least.

Periodically throwing some new ingredients into old soup to freshen it up can only extend the life of leftovers so far.

But I remember one comic where a few of the Cobra soldiers commit mass ****** by shooting up several of the Joes that were being held prisoner in a pit. As usual, older characters to be replaced by newer ones to freshen up the toy line I suppose.

Freshen definitions


make (to feel) fresh; "The cool water refreshed us"

See also: refresh


become or make oneself fresh again; "She freshened up after the tennis game"

See also: refresh refreshen


make fresh again

See also: refresh refreshen