Freight in a sentence as a noun

US rail freight is the envy of the world.

The line also plays host to freight trains at night.

In the US, rail is optimized for freight, not people.

That line also plays host to freight at night - a streetcar line!

We really do have arguably the best freight rail system in the world.

The main line up the peninsula only sees freight traffic at night.

They have an ******* of cash on hand and the singularity is coming at us like a freight train.

The system was designed for hauling freight, not passengers.

They don't have the power to upgrade the tracks because they don't own them, and the freight companies who do own the track don't have much incentive to upgrade it.

Freight in a sentence as a verb

US freight cars have the highest standard axle loads in the world, so any train that runs where it can hit one must be able to withstand a head-on collision.

Literal as in, that's the energy cost to desalinate ocean water in the Gulf of Mexico and ship it to the center of the continent by freight rail.

"best freight rail infrastructure in the world" and "completely inadequate rail infrastructure" are, sadly, not mutually exclusive.

Not how many grade crossing accidents you see on YouTube...That said, it is indeed a major issue that the FRA rules apply to any rail line connected to the freight network that spans the nation.

Minneapolis was very lucky: they inherited a large number of extremely high quality freight rail right-of-ways as the industry moved out of the city center.

Until these over reaching idiots get taken down and taken down hard, they will continue to prop up the entertainment industry even though it is the public that is both paying the freight and the penalty.

Pretend that $500k had been allocated to produce a list of plain text passwords and a combination of bureaucratic inertia, competence issues, and internal politics made that requirement an unstoppable freight train.

"The player characters in their post-apocalyptic world come across a abandoned series of tunnels they can't explain, but which are described for the game master in the notes:The system once spanned the North American continent and was used primarily as a method of high-speed transportation of freight.

Freight definitions


goods carried by a large vehicle

See also: cargo lading load loading payload shipment consignment


transporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates

See also: freightage


the charge for transporting something by common carrier; "we pay the freight"; "the freight rate is usually cheaper"

See also: freightage


transport commercially as cargo


load with goods for transportation