Cargo in a sentence as a noun

I'd love if$ cargo cultwould build a new project/module from a template.

Its also a great example of cargo cult thinking.

> Among the Dragon's cargo was a freezer that will be used to store scientific samples.

If fully utilized it could bring the cost of cargo deliveries to ISS down to around $30-$50/g.

For example; I used to open an aft cargo door at 100 knots to get them to initiate an RTO and I would brief them on it during the briefing.

In true cargo cult fashion, they have adopted the trappings of education without understanding the real purpose behind it.

The equivalent of a shipper, having sunk its cargo, claiming the damages it owes are diminished by the cargo being worth less for having dropped to the sea floor.

[Edit: of course instead of building a higher performance engine you could just built a much bigger rocket with the same mass fraction and have the cargo be a smaller percentage of launch mass.

This rocket alone represents a dramatic disruption of the entire orbital launch industry, offering to make launch of both humans and cargo cheaper than it's ever been by an incredibly wide margin.

He clearly has something to say, and I would love nothing more than to hear more discussion like this in our national politics, instead of continuing to take a cargo-cult approach towards heaping benefits on the wealthiest class.

No actual data, barely any technical discussion at all, mention of "the garbage collection algorithm" which most likely isn't even being used by most of the apps running, capped by a total cargo-cult solution... and this is #1 on the front page?

The main difference between companies like Valve or GitHub and many other companies is that we don't look at other places and ask ourselves how we can copy their structures, how we can cargo cult their success, instead we look at our problems and ask ourselves how we can address them in the best way possible.

People, when you let them build their own tools in Excel and Access and what-have-you, end up with rosters full of incorrect and incomplete and invalid information, things split into so many different places that nobody can find anything any more, and interfaces that require inexplicable cargo-cult rituals and avoiding otherwise valid input states to use.

Also, learn to change your oil and maybe your spark plugs; learn to cook; learn to replace buttons on your shirts; learn to fix your leaky sink and plunge your toilet; learn to plant flowers and tomatoes; milk a cow; shovel some dirt; experience driving a tractor, both the kind in a field and the kind that pull tons of cargo down the expressway ...Get out of your comfort zone, live for a minute in someone else's shoes and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn to respect the work that other people do and be willing to pay them for it - they deserve to be paid for their Work.

Cargo definitions


goods carried by a large vehicle

See also: lading freight load loading payload shipment consignment