Frazzle in a sentence as a noun

The aim is to frazzle you w/ extreme comments.

As the host thought after his place was trashed, "This freaked me out when I was frazzled.

But those who would strive To get them derive Nothing much and are beat to a frazzle.

Her comments even about maybe being frazzled from a rough travel schedule stay in.

I'm planning on taking a few weeks between jobs to just unwind so I'm not frazzled for the next position.

Customs agents aren't going to frazzle the dangerous terrorists by yelling at them.

Frazzle in a sentence as a verb

She was frazzled, passed me on to another recruiter, who asked if I could come in again for another all-day.

I also have a speech impediment and carry those with me. Taking them away and not letting someone use them when they are already frazzled and upset is like asking someone in the wheelchair to just "stop being a ***** and get up and walk" or accusing them of "being uncooperative".

My daughter made so many developmental strides while under the full attention of an adult, versus the divided, frazzled attention she received from a working parent.

An empathetic person understands the waiter made a mistake because they are overloaded with tables or their mind is frazzled because they're working their second job of the day with a sick kid at home.

Once the selling is done, can't you cut the sales people and cut your margins?Seems like a good way to re-excite businesses who may be frazzled from their previous Groupon experience: "We'll feature you again, but this time, for 25%".

- they are a 'hero' that often rescues the company\n - no one understands the systems but them\n - they are a bottleneck for deploys\n - little is documented\n - little is automated\n - they work long hours\n - they're often frazzled and stressed\n\nA big part of DevOps is saving developers from bad sysadmins.

Frazzle definitions


a state of extreme exhaustion; "he was worn to a frazzle"


wear away by rubbing; "The friction frayed the sleeve"

See also: fray


exhaust physically or emotionally; "She was frazzled after the visit of her in-laws"