Fracas in a sentence as a noun

I don't know, but I suspect that this is at least partly responsible for the current fracas.

If Clapper were removed from office, his successor would have to take the damage on. Clapper will be scapegoated for as long as this fracas lasts.

Same as above, though: in case you're involved in some fracas, they may detain you until your identity can be checked.

Don't you think that leveraging relationships you may have made via Stripe alone is going to cause a huge legal fracas?

Seems like everyone is now jumping into the fray and gunning for poor Dr. Campbell, who early on in the fracas made a few halfhearted attempts to fight back but has now fled the scene.

If I remember right, the "dollar monopoly" was originally enacted in response to the fracas around Civil War tokens.

So at the risk of feeding the trolls, can you be specific about why you think me to be unethical?Edit: Okay, looking at the extensive edits above, it's clear that claiming I'm "fairly unethical" was a reference -- at least in part -- to the pronoun fracas.

Fracas definitions


noisy quarrel

See also: affray altercation