Fouled in a sentence as an adjective

Microsoft has fouled their own nest before launching wp7.

Another way to put it, once the process has been fouled up, don't trust it to heal itself.

In tournament play, it isn't "banned" in a sense that you are fouled or disqualified for doing it.

Even nobodies have the right to be dealt with fairly and receive their money back if the company dealing with them has fouled up.

I've delved into Keynes's General Theory a bit, and witness on a daily basis how that approach is fouled by the actions of humans.

"I think my co-founders are idiots, that they fouled up their side of the deal, but I feel as though I've invested too much time and energy to bail now."This is the feeling!

I stuck to the 120% poison pill, but accepted the offer from the other company, because even if they would have accepted the rate, the well was already fouled.

The soccer analogy is interesting because when a player is fouled in the penalty area, the player is strongly incentivised to take a dive.

"I think my co-founders are idiots, that they fouled up their side of the deal, but I feel as though I've invested too much time and energy to bail now."If they are idiots, then the only rational choice is to cut your losses.

> I think my co-founders are idiots, that they fouled up their side of the dealIf you are a startup founder, which it sounds like you are, and not an early employee at a startup, then this is unfortunately the wrong attitude to have.

Classifying them all as assumed-invalid would send a very clear message to the patent office that it seriously fouled up and needs to straighten up in evaluations, and also let patent trolls know that their payday is over.

Why didn't I create a B2B electronic transaction clearing system?I'm not necessarily sticking up for this patent, and I tend to believe the patent system is completely fouled up for software companies, but we can do better at analyzing the issues than just automatically saying "that's brain dead obvious".

Fouled definitions


made dirty or foul; "a building befouled with soot"; "breathing air fouled and darkened with factory soot"

See also: befouled


especially of a ship's lines etc; "with its sails afoul"; "a foul anchor"

See also: foul