Forswear in a sentence as a verb

Some people have to forswear alcohol completely in order to avoid its potentially destructive side effects.

My example of misuse is not to forswear the issue entirely, only to demonstrate that there do exist philosophical objections to keyword arguments.

Why "believe in safe spaces" when you are not permitted to have them, but rather encouraged with great firmness to accept that only once you have surrendered your dissent, and publicly abased yourself in hope of expiation for the sins you now forswear, will there be even a chance you may be allowed to feel safe?As in every case where bullies run rampant and are unchecked by any impartial force majeure, the only passive defense has been invisibility, and it is very hard to remain unseen indefinitely.

Forswear definitions


formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure; "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She abjured her beliefs"

See also: abjure recant retract resile