Foreign in a sentence as an adjective

A foreign Stanford student was denied boarding, presumably due to the no fly list.

But imagine the reaction if the cafe where this occurred were in the US, and the drone was controlled by a foreign government.

They have the same reactions and emotions that we would when a foreign entity blows up their businesses, families, and friends.

Their whole intention was for me to retrieve information from those databases that were located in foreign countries.

The only thing propping up these insane prices is the scarcity induced by the current bubble in the foreign investment housing market.

Learning foreign languages to high levels of communication proficiency was the first adult learning challenge I took on.

I'm British, and I am largely ashamed that pressure is not being placed on Sweden by the foreign minister to have them reinvestigate the extradition request.

Not even a whimper of cheer for Osama's death from me, given the abysmal foreign policy and national security state failure of the last decade.

Every language has hundreds of tacit grammar rules, many of which are not known explicitly even to native speakers, but which reveal a language-learner as a foreigner when the rules are broken.

The foreign language-learner needs to understand grammar not just to produce speech or writing that is less jarring and foreign to native speakers, but also to better understand what native speakers are speaking or writing.

So, you see, by mandating these sorts of security compromises, governments have in fact made it easier for foreign governments to steal their own secretsan irony apparently lost on the author of the Indian memo and on the authors of these policies.

Some news reports are ridiculous by foreign standards: teachers not being allowed to shake hands with students out of fear of sexual harassment allegations, boys suspended from school for drawing guns, bystanders not administering first-aid to accident victims out of fear of lawsuits, and of course the terrorism hysteria for which I have no words.

Foreign definitions


of concern to or concerning the affairs of other nations (other than your own); "foreign trade"; "a foreign office"


relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world; "foreign nations"; "a foreign accent"; "on business in a foreign city"

See also: strange


not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something; "an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism"; "the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper"; "jealousy is foreign to her nature"

See also: alien


not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source; "water free of extraneous matter"; "foreign particles in milk"

See also: extraneous