Foraging in a sentence as a noun

I hate foraging for and/or cooking my food.

- no, don't be silly - I was just foraging for movies'.

I like the euphemism 'while foraging for copper wire'.

Basically, if I find some tasty berries while foraging, reinforce the memory of the walk I took to get to the berries.

The problem with being a foraging people is that farming peoples can push you off the nicer land, as the article corroborates.

It takes the bees days to reestablish, and is a costly expense of energy they need for foraging, building, and preparing for winter.

And even while the article says:> Each day the women comb miles of hilly terrain, foraging for tubers, berries and other wild plant foodsIt's really not a big deal.

In California, a lot of the people I talked to about it thought it was a program to help the homeless, because they were so used to the trashcan foraging activity.

It's not really about "fat makes you fat" -- though perhaps there is an aside to that effect -- it's more about corporate junk food researchers foraging their way through a world of data on consumer preferences and designing the most efficient products.

Foraging definitions


the act of searching for food and provisions

See also: forage