Camaraderie in a sentence as a noun

I'm sure most people could think of some way to find structure and camaraderie on a regular basis.

It lets people relax and get to know each other better and it creates a strong sense of camaraderie.

Just because jokes and 'net memes get downvoted does not mean that we don't have camaraderie and understanding here.

That's not necessarily as bad as it might sound - niches formed that grew close, and the camaraderie of this last batch was much better than in 2009.

This sort of forced camaraderie to fit into the clique isn't healthy at all. When I worked at Microsoft, we had quite a few talented female engineers on our team.

There is a camaraderie there because these guys work together, eat several meals a week together and drink more than a few beers together.

Frugality can result in camaraderie, since you are all in the rickety boat together eating ramen.

The CxOs of these companies make it a priority to build team spirit for precisely this reason: the sense of camaraderie will compel employees to work hard.

There is value in team camaraderie, whiteboard sessions, going to lunch with colleagues, sometimes just sitting around and shooting the breeze about whatever.

We have a tester who lives in another city from us, and I've managed to build camaraderie with him using nothing but skype IM, including breeze shooting and other non-work based activities.

What I will remember about him is the aura of genius that was unmistakable, and the surprising level of warmth and camaraderie he displayed every time he interacted with us. Being as brilliant as he was, I always marveled at his patience when explaining things to his students.

For teams--particularly large teams--to work together requires a certain camaraderie that is orders of magnitude easier to manage when physically colocated. This also applies to teams that are geographically split.

That way people who are coming to the events to make money will stop showing up, and people who show up won't worry too much about winning, and the people who are there for fun/exploration/friendship/camaraderie will be able to build and enjoy whatever they came for.

Camaraderie definitions


the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability

See also: chumminess comradeliness comradery comradeship