Flim-flam in a sentence as a verb

Nonsense, 99 44/100% total, made up, flim-flam, fraud nonsense.

It will become overrun with flim-flam projects if it does not change to correct 1 and/or 2.

That will drive the good clients out and these firms will be left with erectile dysfunction flim-flam as their market.

But it does have a light ******** aroma, backed by flim-flam notes and an astringent scam aftertaste.

In German speaking countries, social sciences rather suffers from theory flim-flam.

I love how you go from "I'm too lazy to look further than a pop sci summarization" to "the entirety of the work the scientist did was the pop sci summarization" to "flim-flam, fraud, scam.

It is a bureaucratic nightmare riddled with stupid incentives, accounting flim-flam, and ridiculous complexity.

You might be correct, but you are missing the bigger picture: First, the whole thing, climate change and/or global warming is a guilt trip, another morality play about sinful humans, the old trilogy of transgression, retribution, and redemption, a flim-flam, fraud scam by a few people to get power and money.

Flim-flam definitions


deceive somebody; "We tricked the teacher into thinking that class would be cancelled next week"

See also: trick