Flighty in a sentence as an adjective

In this case we are flighty, feckless, caught up in a culture full of meaningless catch phrases.

The flighty but open one now is challenged by someone who is more dedicated to the task, and as they keep it light hearted.

I suspect the backlash is because it stung a bit, since many here saw themselves in flighty Jack, versus measured Diane.

One of my more flighty cow-orkers sent round this link yesterday - calling maintenance programmers "the residue".

You tend to lose the flighty customers early so retention rates increase the longer a customer has been using the service.

I will no longer be reading Larry's blog if he thinks this kind of flighty and ostentatious display of disapproval is warranted.

So it's not really a safe assumption that the ranks of small businesspeople are uniformly populated with flighty dilettantes.

" Meaning all memories are "reconstructions" to some extent and therefore inherently flighty given the dynamism of the brain.

We're talking about the average-case college male who thinks women are irrational, flighty, and manipulative.

I think that's actually his point: that its better to hire an ordinary employee who will work hard at a realistic goal than to hire a flighty genius, whether self-appointed or not.

While the Valley is too youth-obsessed and flighty and sociopathic, New England seems to take the other extreme: too seniority-bound and stodgy and prone to following rules.

I think I can state with a high degree of confidence that the blog author was neither assuming nor suggesting that "the ranks of small businesspeople are uniformly populated with flighty dilettantes.

Being fortunate enough to have a super smart person come on board, deliver a large amount of value, and then leave after a short period; or a less talented developer delivering lower quality work, at a lower velocity over a longer period?I'm not sure talented but flighty people are a problem.

Flighty definitions


guided by whim and fancy; "flighty young girls"

See also: flyaway head-in-the-clouds scatterbrained


unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)

See also: skittish spooky nervous