Fleeting in a sentence as an adjective

The objects become famous, not us, but even the objects' fame is fleeting.

Staring at a nicely mounted TV that isn't showing any content is a fleeting novelty.

This article is an inspiration, and a remarkably poignant commentary on how to best make use of our fleeting time.

We hope it felt, for a fleeting moment, like you had influence over anything outside your immediate surroundings.

Good design is a fleeting, abstract concept that has more to do with correlation than anything else: Correlate something with good content and the design seems good by association.

I grew to avoid movies labeled with the Starz logo, and my heart would sink when a feature would open with one, because I knew the experience was fleeting and I wouldn't be able to enjoy the content later.

We have the most fleeting glimpses of understanding that are regularly crushed by the complexity of dynamic systems with nested feedback loops and multiple semi-overlapping redundancies.

Even if this sort of thing were required, wouldn't this be just like a prescribed foreign language course in middle school that one has but a fleeting acquaintance with, only to have little or nothing stick beyond getting past the requirement for the purposes of passing a class.

It is fully understandable for them to feel great pain at their condition, as they poured their hearts and lives into one thing or another, no matter how great or how small, how right or how wrong - they led their lives as they thought best, and it ended in failure or catastrophe - no matter how fleeting.

Fleeting definitions


lasting for a markedly brief time; "a fleeting glance"; "fugitive hours"; "rapid momentaneous association of things that meet and pass"; "a momentary glimpse"

See also: fugitive momentaneous momentary