Financing in a sentence as a noun

But they aren't small: M&A, financings, patent, etc etc ad nauseum.

Therefore, it is very nice to see this sort of slant on seed financing.

That's pretty standard in a financing, so I'd imagine it's a standard part of M&A deals.

If this sounds irresponsible, you really, really do not want to hear about pension financing.

If that AirBnb co-founder really asked her to tone down her post because it would mess with future financing, that's just sad. Talk about inappropriate timing and priorities

It didn't sound like a business seeking venture capital financing whatever it was, and so I had no reason to think I should get involved.

They may be able to come up with ideas, or offer rebates, or promotions, or even convertible note financing toward the next fundraising round.

In the decades since, our demographic has diversified thus this type of housing stock, financing infrastructure and policies no longer fit our needs.

Over time they'll start to "get it" with your culture and they'll focus their attention on real problems like getting financing, making sure invoices are paid, setting up M&A deals, etc that they were hired to do.

"Groupon's business-professor cofounder, Eric Lefkofsky, has dumped about $382 million of his shares in the prior private financings.

The fact that a major green tech company working with government support is able to shift financing over to the private market is, indeed, a remarkable feat and is absolutely something they have a right to crow about.

Financing definitions


the act of financing

See also: funding