Fifty-fifty in a sentence as an adjective

If you have that letter, I'd give you fifty-fifty odds.

So a fifty-fifty assignment of blame is wrong.

Should you make it to 85, you will have, roughly, a fifty-fifty shot at remaining sane.

"And yes, it's more complicated than a simple straight line and a fifty-fifty split.

"in the event of a divorce they will properly have to split the money fifty-fifty.

… I already knew that I had only a fifty-fifty chance of surviving the surgery.

It's a sort of planned obsolescence, due to the fifty-fifty chance of having to go out and buy a whole new set of toys when the second kid is born.

I was recently speaking with some of our Oracle engineers from China and they pretty much have a fifty-fifty split of men and women.

Now, Elon responded, a big fight and sensation came out of the story, brought 1000 people into the discussion, and since they heard both sides, assume its a fifty-fifty.

Her brother David, a neurosurgeon whom Sandberg admires because currently he splits child care duties with his wife fifty-fifty, was also a Harvard undergrad.

" I agree that founders should think long and hard about this, because there are very few scenarios that require a fifty-fifty partner, and many that require high-skilled, but not unique, people.

Marriage is ownership -- they have a monopoly on each others sexual-ability and in the event of a divorce they will properly have to split the money fifty-fifty.

At home, he splits child care duties with his wife fifty-fifty; at work, he's a pediatric neurosurgeon whose days are filled with heart wrenching life-and-death decisionsWith Greenspun's logic, you could equivalently claim Sandberg admires her brother because he is a neurosurgeon.

Fifty-fifty definitions


equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced; "even amounts of butter and sugar"; "on even terms"; "it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split"; "had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance"; "an even fight"

See also: even