Fiduciary in a sentence as a noun

The problem here is that the public official forgot that he has a fiduciary duty to the public.

They are not bad people, they are just bound by fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder value.

""Nor does the law require, as many believe, that executives and directors owe a special fiduciary duty to shareholders.

Who knew this was all society needed to fortify people's fiduciary responsibilities.

As a board member and officer, Mr. Zuckerberg owes a fiduciary duty to our stockholders and must act in good faith in a manner he reasonably believes to be in the best interests of our stockholders.

He was just maximizing shareholder value, discharging his fiduciary duty, we can't hold him personally responsible.

The danger is that fiduciary responsibilities will get in the way of doing good, working families will take a backseat to boards of directors and the rich will get richer [1] while everyone else struggles to keep even.

Fiduciary in a sentence as an adjective

You've lost to the dark side of dick size contests and pissing matches, and as often as not, you're up against some relatively pedestrian actor who is determined to put you in your place, not a key fiduciary stakeholder and/or decision-maker.

The fiduciary duties of a public corporation are a lot more narrow, mostly involving not prejudicing some shareholders at the expense of others, or enriching the officers at the expense of the shareholders.

The almost-myth of the fiduciary responsibilty of company executives to be irresponsible.

Employees owe a fiduciary duty to their employers to act in the best interest of the company and playing both sides of the fence at the end of a major negotiation is almost certain to raise serious issues about whether such duties were breached.

However, the legal theory is if someone who is an officer, such as the CEO, communicates with a third party like Mark with an agreement to keep the information confidential, then the fiduciary responsibility to keep the information confidential transfers to Mark.

I wrote elsewhere [1]:> A point about the morality of companies angle: the so-called "fiduciary duty" of companies that is an overriding duty to maximise shareholder returns within the constraints of the law above all other ends is a legal obligation in only a few countries.

Fiduciary definitions


a person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary; "it is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain"


relating to or of the nature of a legal trust (i.e. the holding of something in trust for another); "a fiduciary contract"; "in a fiduciary capacity"; "fiducial power"

See also: fiducial