Fete in a sentence as a noun

Preu, prou, excellent, brave + de of + fete woman.

I used it most recently when I was working the food table at my kid’s school fete, and I didn’t have a point of sale.

If you are having a town fete and want parents with small children to know you have a petting zoo, Facebook ads will get you customers physically driving to you for cents.

If you want people to go to the village fete then a 'designed' flyer is not what you want, something banged out in Word with Comic Sans actually conveys the message pretty well.

Fete in a sentence as a verb

It may seem like commonly known applied physics today, but you can bet 1600 years ago it was a pretty amazing engineering fete to create a glass that automatically changed colors when different liquids were put in it.

If it is a school fete and you are selling ice cream to passers-by in the street then that is still law breaking but if you are doing that one day in a year in a small village with the money going to charity then that can be overlooked, but every day?

Perhaps encourage a smaller holiday fete at work and direct the resources to something like gifts for a shelter, Toys for Tots, shoe box gifts for homeless shelters, etc. My grandkids, for example, learn about helping others at Christmas buy picking out a toy and donating it to Toys for Tots.

Fete definitions


an elaborate party (often outdoors)

See also: feast fiesta


an organized series of acts and performances (usually in one place); "a drama festival"

See also: festival


have a celebration; "They were feting the patriarch of the family"; "After the exam, the students were celebrating"

See also: celebrate