Festering in a sentence as a noun

I'm a festering pile of **** as a programmer.

You don't have one large festering heap in your home, you have three heaps and only one of them actually smells.

They think about that festering bog of evil and spaghetti code that is WebForms.

On the other hand, you can pry Chrome out of my cold, dead, festering corpse's fingers when I'm on Windows 8's desktop.

As reddit is nothing other than a festering cesspool of cyberspace.

"I'm sure that will fix all of the disease and sickness that comes with festering garbage lingering about in public streets.

Take them to be true on faith?The issue isn't that The Sun's readers are "festering idiots," or that the stories are typically unimportant.

You can end up with festering layers of **** with either model if nobody feels responsible for overall quality.

Do you not treat a guy who can't pay but has a festering open wound you could easily fix?Libertarianism - just like this Steading initiative - is a fairy tale for nerds that does not work in reality.

It's a significantly better game than the festering, cancerous legion of predatory money extracting non-games that have turned the iOS and Android app stores into cesspits of addiction and credit card fraud.

It's a worthless, sensationalist pit pandering in majority to festering idiots who live vicariously through a bizarre mix of celebrities and "real-life-tragedies".

There are no competent systems programmers working for/with GNU, it is highly unlikely that the random assortment of people chosen for their politics rather than their skillset will be able to turn the longest festering mess of code ever into a production ready kernel.

Festering definitions


(medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or a vesicle and the discharge of pus

See also: suppuration maturation


a fluid product of inflammation

See also: purulence suppuration ichor sanies