Fellate in a sentence as a verb

And it's code point is 'f1a8', aka 'fellate'...

Where is the site guideline which states that I must fellate VCs?

First place prize should be a blow up doll of Elon Musk so people have something to fellate.

So many people fellate IDA given the chance; I don't know what they're smoking.

No one fellated me for the work i did" seems to have some correlative timing.

Wow, I've never actually seen someone fellate a phone before.

And then you realize you live in ******* Nebraska and fellate the business end of a 12 gauge.

Do you really want your family and workplace to know you rather enjoy watching Klingons fellate Ewoks?

Why on earth is Techcrunch hosting a business conference where hosts can fellate big Silicon Valley success stories.

Don't bother reading the article: only bats fellate each other, no hot bat-on-academic action exists.

This is accomplished through ritualized rites of passage that require young male initiates to fellate a senior member.

There's some unhappiness with cost, but mostly that's a capex vs opex go fellate the corporate radiers kinda thing and less of an actually saving money kinda thing.- No, you're not going to save us 75%, 50%, or likely even 30%.

In other words, have you abandoned 100% of your programming work in order to try soft skills?Were you just as successful as your archetype businessperson?If you haven't then how you look at it is just a construction of your imagination created to fellate your own ego.

Also in the movie was blowing up a ******, talking about their brothers dicks and how big they are, photographing and sharing their genitals, an attempted ******, and getting caught by security guards and having to escape by dancing their way out and suggestively implying an offer to fellate one of the guards who may be a suspected *********.

Fellate definitions


provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation

See also: suck blow