Feckless in a sentence as an adjective

But the HN trope that managers are useless and feckless isn't correct.

" They're not worried about that just because young people are feckless and think they're invincible.

Why try and abstract it?I spent years working with an ActiveRecord ORM I wrote myself in my feckless youth and thought that it was the answer to the world's problems.

"look feckless".. so you agree with the idiot columnists?If we were Russia, we would absolutely see it as a good idea to make sure we controlled Crimea.

What I'm mostly learning though this saga is that an uncomfortable number of SV executives are feckless weaklings in the face of a sociopath like Jobs.

But the fact that it's even possible to get so lost, and the fact that we don't feel feckless and asinine in sharing hints for how to get out of that situation on a forum for hackers.

Because apparently, at least to me, the only other alternative is gutless, feckless defeatist, overly-cautious "be warned that even if you try, you're not going to succeed".

There's other perspectives, such as "The political scene is a complete and ridiculous mess as the bill for decades of feckless spending and promises is coming due and only one faction in one party is even capable of admitting that, and for that they are being burned at the stake.

Are you saying that in an ideal world without feckless politicians, the government should tax more than it disburses, build up a pile of money, and then pay out extra money?The further you draw the analogy out, the more ridiculous the idea of equating government finances with household finances become.

Feckless definitions


not fit to assume responsibility


generally incompetent and ineffectual; "feckless attempts to repair the plumbing"; "inept handling of the account"

See also: inept