Feathering in a sentence as a noun

I restart the engine by feathering the clutch.

Including men. Do I need to provide some examples of /b/ tarring and feathering male victims on the internet?

Simply feathering doesn't do the job unless you also erode the foreground first, which we wanted to avoid.

I suppose another explanation would be some biased expansion/feathering of the blur mask.

>Burt Rutan's SpaceshipOne solved it elegantly with feathering: the descent was safe and easy.

And it cuts doubly, because a lot of the tactics of the rebels were what we would call terrorism these days - tarring-and-feathering is simple torture and terror tactics.

Why would we be so quick to give away any liberties whatsoever without tarring and feathering the politician/bureaucrat proposing the idea?

The paper they use is pretty substandard which causes ink to dry slower than other paper and if you use fountain pens you have to contend with considerable amounts of feathering and bleed-through.

If you can't handle lifestyle changes while making way the **** above median income then the company can probably apply your salary to more effective purposes than feathering your nest.

Those of a temperament for politics, and who find themselves living in places where local politics are other than an Augean stable of gerrymandering and nest-feathering, might be well advised to involve themselves.

I feel that the intention is to make some comedy out of a criticism, but it reads like the author is going in with a closed mind and has no intention of liking the site- which, I will add, is actually quite simple to navigate, if it does need a bit of feathering on the edges.

For those who think tarring and feathering the Github organization as a whole is still justified:What would it take to change your mind?One of the signs of an irrational belief about the world is that it's not falsifiable -- you can't conceive of a possible future observation that would cause you to change your belief.

Feathering definitions


turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls

See also: feather