Animal in a sentence as a noun

"Parson kills an animal under the guise of crop protection and to feed a village.

And monotremes like the platypus, an animal that lays eggs but nurses its young with milk.

One should ban antibiotics for animals world wide.

With a dairy animal, you go **** the guy who controls the next pasture and let Old Bessie the cow feast on the grass.

Any animal that starts life having to unglue their feet from the bottom of a vacuum-packed, delivery case is a winner.

Just the same way you can make a face or a zoo animal from a pattern of water vapor in the sky, you're making a failure out of a pattern of events in the past.

Animal in a sentence as an adjective

They've merely devised a new theory that's shown to be effective using animal models, and are still quite a ways away from seeing if similar results will occur with human testing.

'Between the crashed helicopter, burned animal stalls, and bullet marks everywhere, I can safely say I will not be utilizing AirBnB again - the place is completely trashed', Haddad told us"

The most sensible European regulations of those listed in the article kindly submitted here are"What Europe did: Banned all forms of animal protein, including chicken litter, in cow feed in 2001.

The article is appropriately cautious about reporting on a preliminary research result in an animal model.

A musician/artist having an intellectual idea that isn't completely terrible -- like a quaint little animal trying to imitate us true intellectuals up here in our high tower of superiority.

Animal definitions


a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

See also: beast brute creature fauna


marked by the appetites and passions of the body; "animal instincts"; "carnal knowledge"; "fleshly desire"; "a sensual delight in eating"; "music is the only sensual pleasure without vice"

See also: carnal fleshly sensual